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QTS team members are experts at understanding local, state, and federal regulations including OSHA, NIOSH, EPA, and multiple other agencies to help serve government clients enhance and maintain a strong health and safety culture.

QTS specializes in helping clients anticipate, recognize, assess, control, and minimize workplace hazards that can affect the health of employees, customers, communities and your bottom line. We tailor our offering to individual client needs, and we strive to add value to your processes through high quality EHS services. We combine exceptional customer service, initiative and responsiveness with site and industry-specific expertise to ensure a safe and environmentally sustainable working environment.

Every day we earn the trust of our valued clients, employees and communities through operating with integrity, empowering compliance, and keeping your security and privacy in mind.

Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health

  • EHS program review and development, specialized training for program and SOP implementation, and assistance with EHS compliance audits.
  • CIH guidance, documents preparation, and review.
  • Exposure assessments: development of exposure monitoring plans, air monitoring for chemical and particulate contaminants and indoor air quality parameters, noise/sound level monitoring, and mold/bacteria monitoring.
  • Exposure assessment of silica, hexavalent chromium, arsenic, heavy metals, radionucleotides; welding fumes. Indoor air quality investigations and assessments.
  • CSP support for subcontractor orientation; gap analyses; site safety audits and inspections; and mock OSHA inspections.
  • Ergonomic evaluations and assessments.Respiratory protection: qualitative and quantitative fit testing and respirator trainings.
  • SME on Corporate and Business Unit Programs for: Process Safety Management, Respiratory Protection, Hexavalent Chromium,Welding, and Thermal Cutting Exposures, and Lead in Construction.

Environmental Management

  • Environmental Compliance – Hazardous Waste Annual and Biennial Reporting
  • SARA 312 and 313 Reporting; Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
  • Toxicology support
  • Environmental, Health & Safety Compliance Auditing; Staff Outsourcing
  • Training – Dangerous Goods Shipping (DOT, IATA)
  • Human and Ecological risk assessment
  • Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments
  • Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA)
  • Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Planning